With the community coins we introduce a currency that allows all teams a fair access to our services (booking meeting rooms, the transporter, cargobike, …). But don't worry: all services are still free for you.

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How it works

At the beginning of the month your team will receive a fixed amount of new coins. For each booking (e.g. of a meeting room, transporter, cargobike, …) a certain amount will be deducted from your coins.

Best practice

Short booking durations of meeting rooms are significantly cheaper than long ones. Likewise, smaller meeting rooms are cheaper than larger offices, and the cargobike is cheaper than the transporter. In this way, we want to ensure that all resources are used efficiently and that meetings, for example, are held as efficiently as possible.

The community coins are designed so that your balance is usually much higher than your needs. We just want to make sure that all teams have a fair access to our services.


Related pages

Booking a meeting room

Booking the Event Space & hosting your event

Booking transporter & cargo bike