You want to found your own startup or student initiative or implement a project? But you don't have a team yet? Then this is the right place for you.
We offer you the opportunity to work on your idea, even without a team. In our Co Working Space there are many different possibilities to work by yourself. In the following rooms you can work 24/7 without a reservation:
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We offer a variety of events and workshops. Here you have the opportunity to gain knowledge and make contacts that will take you further. Here you can find all current events.
We offer a Co-founder search, where you can find co-founders for your team. Furthermore, the Collective Incubator is the place to be. Meet people on site and at networking events and talk about your idea. Many new contacts can also be made in the Work Café.
When your idea has grown and you have found team members, you can register your team.
As a startup you have then the possibility to apply for a permanent office and as a student initiative you might use the office for student initiatives. In addition, as a team you have access to our meeting rooms, the transporter, the cargo bike and in some cases to the Maker Space.
Working as a student initiative