<aside> ⚠️ We are not responsible for receiving nor distributing parcels or Mail. Use this offer on your own risk.
Parcels for your team should be addressed to the CI building:
<aside> 📦 Address for parcels
Your team name c/o Collective Incubator, floor number Jülicher Straße 209d 52070 Aachen
Parcels are not accepted centrally. The parcel delivery person will try to deliver them to the respective team and will sometimes leave them with other teams if no one opens the door.
Of course, we will accept your parcel when our administartion office is staffed. In that case you’ll receive a notification via email where to pick it up. Please do not order parcels with a filing code or cash on delivery, as the administration office cannot accept such parcels.
<aside> 💡 Please do not order private parcels to the space!
If you would like to receive mail at the Collective Incubator, please Contact us. We will set up a mailbox for you in the mail distribution cabinet. The postal address is:
<aside> ⚠️ You are responsible to check your mail distribution cabinet regularly. Not doing so can be harmful for your organisation.
<aside> 📬 Address for mail
Your team name c/o Collective Incubator Jülicher Straße 209d 52070 Aachen