We invite our community members to pitch their ideas and projects to our team. Let us know which great things you are working on and how we can better help make your story a success! Meet us in our space at Jülicher Straße for 15 minutes on a Monday afternoon
Participation in these pitches is mandatory once a year for every team in the CI community!
<aside> 📖 Navigation
<aside> 🎯 Depending on the state of your team, the pitch will have a different focus:
For us to learn your USP, roadmap and challenges so that…
… we can tell people about you.
… we can connect you to other relevant teams.
… we can connect you to offers from us or our service partners.
For us to explore together how the CI can help you further.
For you to practice your pitches skills. </aside>
Every Monday between 1 PM and 2 PM.
Each date has three possible slots in 20-minute increments.
Register here:
You can either take the initiative yourself or we will notify you to book a slot :)
In the open discussion, we want to learn the needs of your team and feedback for the CI. Do you…