This page answers the most important question that arises every day. What do I eat today?

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PetermachtPause is a website on which you can order bakery goods and small meals directly to the Space. It must be ordered by 11 am. The food is then delivered at 12 o'clock to the Work Café .

Order here!

Rainer's Bistro

Rainer's Bistro serves traditional german cuisine in a friendly atmosphere.

You can find the menu here!ür+Industrie+u.+Service/@50.7863839,6.1043748,17.27z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47c099413f89c80f:0x88d2f611c29b52ca!8m2!3d50.7864567!4d6.10499!16s%2Fg%2F1tc__mfq

Grill Ecke

At the Grill Corner you will find all kinds of meals from the grill.

You can find the menu here!


Nah & Frisch Supermarkt

The Nah & frisch supermarket is a kiosk that also sells pizza.,6.1084187,18.29z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47c099443a372885:0x6650ab84cfb7e4c0!8m2!3d50.7840131!4d6.1085174!16s%2Fg%2F11d_tz3d2r