- Gründer*innen Handbuch - Florian Sobetzko and Matthias Sellmann (für pastorale Start-ups und Innovationsprojekte
- Reinventing organizations - Frederic Lalo (a guide to creating organisations inspired by the next stage of human consiousness)
- Blitzscaling - Reid Hoffman and Chris Yeh (the lightning-fast path to building massivly valuable companies)
- Venture Capital Deal Terms - Harm F. DE Vries, Menno J. Van Loon and Sjoerd Mol (a guide to negociate and structing venture capital transactions)
- Startup Recht - Jan Schnedler (praktischer Leitfaden für Gründung, Unternehmensführung und -finanzierung)
- Digital Innovation Playbook - Dark Horse Innovation *(das unverzichtbare Arbeitsbuch für Gründerinnen, Macherinnen und Managerinnen)
- Branding mit LinkedIn - Tomas Herzberger
- The Mom Test - Rob Fitzpatrick (how to talk to costomers and learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you)
- **Zero to One - **Peter Thiel (notes on startups, or how to build the future)
- Dotcom Secrets - Russell Brunson (the underground playbook for growing your company online)
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni (a leadership fable)
- Sprunginnovation - Thomas Ramge (Wie wir mit Wissenschaft und Technik die Welt wieder in Balance bekommen)
- Deutschland, StartUp! - Andreas Haug / Christian Leybold / Andreas Nölting (Wie Gründer und Investoren mit neuen Geschäftsmodellen unsere Zukunft sichern)
- **Founder´s Pocket Guide / Stock Options & Equity Compensation - ***Stephan R. Poland and Lisa A. Bucki (*learn terminology and definitions, rewiev IRS and SEC equity rules, explore stock option exit scenarios)
- Founder´s Pocket Guide / Term Sheets & Preferred Shares - Stephan R. Poland (review terminology and definitions, decipher investor expectations, protect founder equity ownership, avoid common pitfalls)
- **Founder´s Pocket Guide / Cap Tables - **Stephan R. Poland (review terminology and definitions, plan fundraising, clarify investor equity ownership)
- **Founder´s Pocket Guide / Founders Equity Splits - **Stephan R. Poland (devide founder equity objectively, construct founder vesting sschedules, address common equity questions and issues)
- Founder´s Pocket Guide / Convertible Debt - Stephan R. Poland (learn how to rause early funding fromangel investors, avoid establishing a valuation too early, review all of the details of the convertible dept funding structure)
- Founder´s Pocket Guide / Friends & Family Funding - Stephan R. Poland (learn how to raise funding from friends and family sources, determine how much to raise in an early funding round, review common friens and family structures)