Here you can find all documentation for the 3D printer workshop.

<aside> 💡 The Collective Incubator Maker Space is currently under construction and the workshops are not yet available


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Overview of all 3D printers

FDM-Printer (Fused Deposition Modeling)

Creality CR-200B (FDM Printer)

Creality CR-3040 PRO (FDM Printer)

MakerBot Method X - Carbon Fiber Edition (FDM Printer)

Snapmaker 2.0 F350 (FDM Printer)

Delta WASP 3MT Industrial 4.0

MJP-Printer (Multi Jet Printing)

ProJet MJP 2500

SLS-Printer (Selective Laser Sintering)

Sinterit Lisa X (SLS Printer)

Sinterit Lisa Pro (SLS Printer)

SLM Printer (Selective Laser Melting)

Kurtz Ersa Alpha 140